Sunday, October 25, 2015

Let's Go Fly a Kite

Our sweet neighbor Julie brought the boys a kite a couple of weeks ago.  The weather was finally perfect for a little kite flying.  The boys were mesmerized.  They each took a turn.  Grey accidently let go.  After 20 minutes, a nice Japanese woman, a rake, a ladder, and a broom, Ken freed the kite, the tears stopped, and life was good again!


Moses 1:39

For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
Moses 1:39

In the most recent general conference, we were counseled to try to "ponderize" one scripture every week.  I'm trying to do this.  The scripture for this week was one I've known for a long time.  It is the first of the scripture mastery scriptures and I wanted to relearn them.  What I learned this week while pondering this scripture is that Christ's work is just that--work.  I'm not one to wish my life away, but sometimes I do think about how the future may not be so hard.  I won't have diapers and potty training and fussy babies and night-feedings and endless laundry that I have to do by myself.  As I thought about this scripture I thought about how my life as a mom is like Christ's work.  Not to downplay what He did or try to glamorize what I do, but isn't my job as a mom to teach my children the gospel with the hopes that they will learn it and live it and love it and one day receive all that God has?  And just as Christ said what He did was work, so is my life.  It's not going to get easier and it's not meant to. While we work, we learn.  We are transformed and we grow.  We become capable of doing more than we thought we could.  And as we work, be it as a mom or member of the church or anyone else engaged in His work, we are helping move along Christ's work of bringing immortality and eternal life to our fellow brothers and sisters.  And as we do this work, there is glory along the way.  Not glory at the end when all is said and done, but now. I am grateful for the "work" that is my life and hope it is pleasing in God's sight.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Month 16

We've now lived in Iwakuni for 16 months!  The time has flown.  I've been meaning to keep a record of our time here but I want the record to be perfect so until now I haven't started.  I'm accepting that that is a joke.  I just need to get started.  So--this is where we are right now.
 Pepper.  She's the sweetest thing ever.  I still can't believe I got a girl!  4 months old now.  She's rolling over and likes playing with her hands and some toys.  She loves her mama.  And her daddy.  She ADORES her big brothers.  They all kiss and hug on her non-stop.  And she loves it.  Most of the time.  She's a drool monster.  She used to sleep through the night, but has decided that's not cool anymore.  Why sleep when you can eat throughout the night, right?  She greets me every morning with the biggest smile ever.  She's a very bright spot in my life.

Grey.  Oh boy!  This boy.  In the picture he's wearing legwarmers because we are in the middle of potty training.  He's a rock star about it.  This kid keeps me busy.  He gets into things he shouldn't but when caught he's so quick to say sorry and clean it up that it's hard to get mad at him.  He's entirely cuter than he should be.  He's also smarter than he should be.  Yesterday he was commenting on my "triangle" shirt.  And apparently on Sunday in nursery he was spelling his name.  Who taught him these things?  It wasn't me!  This kid is crazy and goofy and so much fun.

Grover.  Oh how I love this boy!  He's my "spirited" child.  He was so, so hard in his early years.  He's mellowed out significantly in the last few months.  I think his favorite thing in the world is Pepper.  He takes care of her for me and loves on her constantly.  He is the sweetest boy.  During quiet time, sometimes he's bring me his blanket and stuffed animals for me to snuggle with.  He gives his Dream Lite to Pepper for her naps.  He is thoughtful and kind.  We are in the middle of our reading lessons and he is doing so good.  I can't believe the contrary baby/toddler has blossomed into this wonderful, fun-to-be-around boy!

Ollie.  What to say about Ollie?  This is a picture of his first day of Kindergarten.  He loves school.  Loves it!  The only part he doesn't like is the "putting my head down" part while other kids get drinks.  The rest of school is fun for him.  I'm so glad it's been a good experience for him.  He's all about fun and to him, that is what school is.  He just finished his second year of soccer and it was hilarious.  He sort of chased the ball around.  And twirled.  And talked.  As a parent it was hysterical to watch.  We love this random, funny boy.

Stone.  He's our little soccer star.  This year he scored his first two goals during a soccer game.  He played offensive positions the whole season and was in the fray during all of his games.  It was so fun to watch him be competitive and play hard.  He'd come home exhausted.  He started third grade and continues to enjoy school.  School this year is harder than it has been in the past.  He's actually having to work and study and I think it's been really good for him.  He's so helpful when he wants to be and is a sweet, sensitive boy. 
That's the crew.  We love our crazy life!