Yesterday, we went on an adventure. The original plan was to go strawberry picking, but due to all the rain, our plans were canceled. At the last minute, we decided to try something else. We headed out to the Mikawa Mu Valley Caves. It was about an hour's drive from our house. It is an Indiana Jones type of scavenger hunt set inside a series of caves that used to be used for mining. It was a completely crazy Japanese adventure.
A dark corridor.
Some old mining tracks.
Inside there was an underground waterfall.
And a beautiful underground lake.
The view from outside the caves on top of the bridge.
This one is a random one taken from on top of the bridge. In it you can see the structures that they put into the hillside to prevent mudslides. These structures are everywhere. We get a lot of rain here.
Not pictured were all of the statues that were carved into the stone of the caves, the random clues, and all the stuff that actually made in Indiana Jones-esque. We wondered around in the caves for about 2.5 hours before we gave up solving the mystery. We WILL go back and we WILL solve the puzzle!